It's that time again, Friday Volunteer Spotlight! Let's give a big ol' thank ya to miss Linsey Capree! Linsey started volunteering with us in Dec 2018. She says what she enjoys the most about volunteering is how fun it is to be a apart of something that she's always wanted to do herself! "Seeing what it takes to run a shelter has been an eye-opening experience for me. I really enjoy how we are all one big family; we always make it work."
In addition, she is also one of our many fosters. She absolutely love love LOVES fostering & she is so glad she was given the opportunity. She says she knows now that she will be fostering forever. And while she hasn't foster failed yet...she came real close. She says it's only a matter of time before she eventually fails. Her favorite memory is during the flood. It was really neat seeing so many people come forward to help when we needed it the most.
She was even able to finally get her friend to come help volunteer every Wednesday.
Thank you for all that you do, Linsey! And keep bringing friends to volunteer too, we'd love to have them! If you've ever thought about being a volunteer like Linsey, head over to & fill out a volunteer application today. You could be featured here in the future!
