When the very first sentence we see says “Piper lives a life of luxury!”, we know we’ve done something right. And that’s what we’re here to share with you today on another edition of our Adoption Success Stories!
Piper, the dog formerly known as Patches, has been with Jarad and Kate since June 2018. She also has a doggy sister named Riley and is expecting her first human sibling this December! According to Kate, Piper still has a lot of puppy in her at age 4, as she is “either going 100mph or sleepy, snuggly and nothing in between! She is the fastest runner we have ever seen, but she does not require a fence, just supervised (ALWAYS supervised) playtime outside, on her designated 5 acres.” Five acres to run?!?! Now that really IS the life of luxury!!

Riley and Piper are the best of friends and Piper watches her every move. She also loves when her kennel blankets are warm and fresh from the dryer; she gets SO excited and can’t wait to “make her bed.” And if she doesn’t burn off all of her energy running around her acreage, she has a path up and around the countless stairs in their home...they’re clearly the best place to work out those zoomies!
“We love how Piper wants to so badly please everyone. She wears her emotions on her face and immediately feels bad after she makes a mistake, even before she gets caught! She knows exactly how and when to curl up next to you for extra love and snuggles.”
Over two years after adopting, Kate still has great things to say about their adoption experience. She says the volunteers were “so nice and gave us plenty of time to get to know Piper. Also, we couldn’t take her home immediately due to a family trip, so FHI loved and cared for her until we were ready.” That’s us, always ready and willing to help our adopters, former and new. Kate says her biggest piece of advice is to “give your adopted pup at least three months to show their true personalities, I promise it will be worth the wait!”
