When Marley first came to FHI, most of the volunteers realized quickly how sweet and amazing he was and they knew he would find his home in no time. Along came Tim and Peyton Lon. While working with FHI Volunteer Martha, they made sure Marley was introduced to their other fur pup, Otto, correctly and the two quickly became best pals. Marley (he's the all white pup) became the very first adoption of 2020 on January 1st!

In addition to Otto, he also has 2 kitty brothers, Ziggy and Biggy. Everyone gets along GREAT! Marley is now living his best life. Peyton tells us that he loves to run and wrestle with Otto, he eats all the yummy treats he can, LOVES car rides, and cuddles with his mama. He also loves to howl with you, play zoomies on the bed, and his favorite toy is his Kong ball.

The best way Peyton could describe him? A literal angel pup. “The way he cuddles and snuggles, gives hugs, and just knows how to cheer us up. We can’t imagine our lives without him!” Marley has acquired a few new nicknames since joining the Lon Family: Mar Mar, Marv, and Sweet Face. We are so thrilled that Marley found your family! Thank you for the update and the wonderful photos of this sweet boy! We LOVE these updates!
