Time to check in with another former adopter to see how FurEver Home Inc. alumni London has been doing lately!
London came to FHI from Texas a few months after the flooding from Hurricane Harvey in August 2017. She arrived scared and emaciated. But when Colette Davis’s cousin, Lori, reached out to her about a frightened little Chihuahua in need of a home, she didn’t hesitate to come meet her. She brought her other dog at the time, Toby, with her to meet London. Colette said they loved each other right away and the final decision to adopt London came shortly after that. Her adoption was finalized in February of 2018!

Fast forward to today and Colette tells us London is doing FANTASTIC! She loves her Mommy and now has 2 fur brothers, whom she loves almost as much. London Girl, now 4 years old, is a blanket fanatic. If you bring a blanket into the house, it automatically becomes hers. She also loves: beds...dog beds, cat beds, human beds, ALL beds! She even knows what clothes are and wants to get dressed every day; when you get her clean clothes out, she will come up to you and put her head in and wait for you to do her arms. She doesn’t know she’s a D O G! She loves to get strapped in her car seat and go for rides in the car as well and she even gets to ride in her very own stroller when we go shopping. Talk about spoiled!!
Colette says London used to be afraid of going to the dog park when they first got her, but now she LOVES it, she runs and plays with everyone! And those big dogs on the other side better look out, she likes to bark and boss them around too.

We so love hearing from our former adopters and checking in with London and her family has been so wonderful! If you’ve adopted from us and would like to share your story, drop a comment below and one of our volunteers will reach out to you! Happy Saturday!!