When you hear about a dog finding the absolute perfect family, you always wonder how it happens? Here's a hint: a lot of them are foster fails! And that's exactly what happened to Jill Johnson when she started fostering Foxie...she just couldn't let him leave! And how could she? This face makes us want to melt!

Adopted in October 2018 and now a mere 8 1/2 years young, Foxie is living his best life! He's good pals with his fur-sister, Gyda the dog & even a cat sister named Jasmine to keep him company; he's always watching her eat to see if she leaves him any leftovers he can gobble up :D He enjoys walking underneath Gyda, snuggles, eating carrots, and chasing rabbits.

Jill says he will climb onto her and just flop down backwards, she calls it his trust fall. Now this sounds like something we need to see on video! She also says there isn't a thing about him that she doesn't love, he's the sweetest, bestest boy ever. Jill suggests that when it comes to adopting, try fostering first if you just aren't sure. But in the end, the right dog will find you and everything will fall into place.

Sounds like Foxie is one spoiled pup! Don't forget to drop us a comment if you'd like to share your adoption success story, which will be featured as its very own blog, just like this one!